Yulia Terentyeva


Price Calculator

This Case Study explores the development of a user interface solution for a logistics company.

Creating a form-based tool for dynamic transport price calculation


My Process

I presented a series of questions to stakeholders to gain insights into how business processes are structured and to identify any technical constraints.

Key findings

  • Depending on user persona the purpose of price calculation would change. For example, a logistics manager may be focused on efficiency and cost-effectiveness, while a small business owner may prioritize simplicity and ease of use.
  • Another important factor is the urgency of the transport (is the desired loading date in the near or distant future). Express transports have a higher price, while transports with a longer planning horizon can be handled more efficiently and cost-effectively. This aspect should also be taken into account in the solution.

Other included

  • FedEx, Expedia, Momondo, Airbnb

Based on generative research findings, competitive analysis, and team discussions, I explored several ideas.

2-stage user flow:

1 step — Calculating the rate and shipping date, based on loading data chosen.

2 step — Submitting the order, faster conversion


High-Fidelity Prototypes